Founded in 1986
Pillars: Brotherhood, Scholarship, Community Service, Cultural Awareness
Motto: Opportunity for Wisdom, Wisdom for Culture
Colors: Royal Purple and Pure White
Founded in 1995
Pillars: Sisterhood, Leadership, Service, Diversity, Strength, Unity, Scholarship
Motto: Hoy y Siempre
Colors: Purple and Teal
Founded in 1998
Pillars: Sisterhood, Respect, Loyalty, Honesty, Friendship
Motto: We Dreamt, We Saw, We Conquered
Colors: Red, Black, and Silver
Pillars: Sisterhood, Service, Cultural Diversity
Motto: Fraternite, Servitium, Varietas
Colors: Scarlet Red, White, and Heather Gray
Founded in 1994
Pillars: Academic Achievement, Cultural Awareness, Righteousness, Friendship/Loyalty
Motto: Excellence Through Brotherhood
Colors: Red, White, and Black
Founded in 1997
Pillars: Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, Leadership, Multiculturalism
Motto: Sisters of Diversity, Together as One
Colors: Lavender, Carolina Blue, and Black
Founded in 1990
Pillars: Sisterhood, Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Asian Awareness
Motto: Timeless Friendship Through Sisterhood
Colors: Purple and White
Founded in 1999
Pillars: Brotherhood, Tradition, Service to Humanity, South Asian Awareness, Academic Excellence, Unified Nationwide Network
Motto: Above All Else, Brotherhood
Colors: Black, Silver, and White
Pillars: Sisterhood, Society, Remembrance
Motto: Mann, Atman, Dharam. Together they are one. We will not fall. Forever we are one... Qayamat Tak.
Colors: Blue, Black, and Silver